(2) 3 x 5 Banners location in both gym and stadium
Logos included on 3 sites, Central Main site, Athletic site, & Jacket Nation
Social media presence on athletic and school pages
Recognition during varsity home events
(2) Central gift bags
(2) Season passes to all home events
Admission to a special Jacket Nation Inc. event
(2) 3 x 5 Banners location in both gym and stadium
Logos included on 3 sites, Central Main site, Athletic site, & Jacket Nation
Social media presence on athletic and school pages
Recognition during varsity home events
(2) Central gift bags
(2) Season passes to all home events
Admission to a special Jacket Nation Inc. event
(2) 3 x 5 Banners location in both gym and stadium
Logos included on 3 sites, Central Main site, Athletic site, & Jacket Nation
Social media presence on athletic and school pages
Recognition during varsity home events
(2) Central gift bags
(2) Season passes to all home events
Admission to a special Jacket Nation Inc. event